Warriors Gaming Squad Agrees To Send Slaughter to T-Wolves Gaming for 1st & 2nd Round Picks - NBA 2K League

Warriors Gaming Squad Agrees To Send Slaughter to T-Wolves Gaming for 1st & 2nd Round Picks

A trade window deadline deal!

Warriors Gaming Squad has agreed to send Slaughter, their 2021 3rd round pick, and their 2022 2nd round pick to T-Wolves Gaming for their 2021 1st and 2nd round picks, and their 2022 1st round pick.

What This Means For T-Wolves Gaming:

Along with trading for Slaughter, the T-Wolves are also retaining Big Saint to help round out the roster. With that being said, it’s a hefty price for a really good player, but one that struggled against the elites at his position. No one can deny that Slaughter is a very good league Center and he’ll perform very well this season like he did in Season 3. However, his performances against the top-flight guys at his position were concerning, including getting mauled by Dayfri in the NBA 2K League Finals a few months ago. On the plus side, he’s one of the best rebounders in the league and should be a fine replacement for Feast down low. His offensive rebounding numbers were incredible impressive last year, he’ll be a vacuum for Bear and Kaii to keep offensive possession alive. Defensively, he’s not Feast. Don’t be surprised if T-Wolves Gaming looks to pair him with an elite defensive PF to help him defend pick and roll sets. The T-Wolves Gaming roster overhaul is almost complete! Bear, Kaii, Saint, Slaughter is a very good top 4. With no 1st or 2nd round pick, we’ll see who is left on the board for them at PF.

What This Means For Warriors Gaming Squad:

It’s quite the haul. A 1st and 2nd this year AND a future 1st for Slaughter is a huge price tag and as good as Slaughter is, giving an organization as well run as the Warriors that many assets is a scary thing for the rest of the league. What this means on the court, is an entirely new frontcourt for WGS in Season 4. Jin and Slaughter are gone and two big holes at PF and C have emerged. The good news, the Warriors now have 3 picks in the top 30. With one of the better front offices in the league, I have no doubt they’ll be able to flip those assets into something useful to keep them in title contention. Who that player is remains to be seen. It’s a good trade for both sides at the end of the day. T-Wolves get their Center and the Warriors get to re-up their asset pile.