New Faces in New Places - NBA 2K League

New Faces in New Places

Trades, trades, and more trades! A crazy way to start the Turn powered by AT&T, a ton of players have swapped hands to add even more intrigue. 10 teams made deals, so let’s jump right in and break them down.

NBL Receives RekCombos, Pacers Gaming Receives Ceez, Hornets Venom Receives Chess

A backcourt shake-up for three teams certainly raises questions. For Hornets Venom, they see Trey Dollaz leave the team and replace him with Chess. A good SG in his own right, not one that will turn the whole offense around. He should help solidify their 2-way game, but sitting at 2-4, they need a lot of things to go right for this trade to put them over the top. NBL sends Ceez out for RekCombos. A decent move for Pacers Gaming who now get the 2nd leading scorer in the league in their backcourt, but this will force Cooks to move to SG, a position he’s never played in the league. Pacers are certainly eyeing that #5 seed in the West with this move. NBL will move Harry back to PG and slot RekCombos in at SG. They were already struggling for offense outside of Ceez, perhaps this could spark the team to step up a bit.

Winner: Pacers Gaming – Losing Chess hurts, but it was clear the group didn’t have a huge ceiling. Ceez will help break up the monotony a bit.

Knicks Gaming Receives Jomar, Pistons GT Receives Whatsstick

A big-time move from Pistons GT to bring Stick in to help get the defense back on track. The chemistry just didn’t work with Jomar and Stick now gets to walk in and take control of the lockdown spot. Connor will slot back in at PF and hopefully with it, get this team a superpower back that they have been sorely missing this season. Can he be the key to beat the warriors? I’m not sure, but does this trade make them better? Absolutely. For Knicks Gaming, Stick and Radiant leaving signals the end of a great run for them. The big off-season moves simply didn’t work as hoped so now, they are left with a retool project.

Winner: Pistons GT – They got Stick! What a deal!

Knicks Gaming Receives Jyden, 76ers GC Receives Radiant

Wow. Never thought I’d see the day where Radiant would return back to 76ers GC AND be told to play SG! A real shock, especially considering how well the 76ers played during the Tipoff! Jyden to Knicks Gaming creates all kinds of intrigue too since he’s going to have to play PG to keep Malik at his natural SG position. Will it work? Your guess is as good as mine! Jyden will definitely bring some dynamic scoring to the table, but you need more than that to be an elite PG in the league. But, either way, Radiant! Back to 76ers GC!! What!!

Winner: Us – We get to see Radiant on 76ers GC with Dre!

Mavs Gaming Receives ReeseDaGod, Hawks Talon Receives 2 Draft Picks, Gen.G Receives ReturnofDJ, Magic Gaming Receives FantaSZN

A backcourt breakdown! 3 teams swap SG to try and get their seasons back on track. Dayfri and Reese reunite in a fascinating move to try and get this Mavvs team over the hump and into the playoffs. Fanta was having a good season, but his on-ball skillset is a much better fit for Magic Gaming. He gets to team up with Unguardable to combine and make a sick two-headed backcourt monster. Gen.G gets DJ back to realign their defense and bring him back to a system and team he knows well. It’s a good move for everyone involved, they all got what they wanted out of the deal.

Winner: All Teams – I think I like the Mavs getting Reese the most, but all 3 now have the different look offensively they wanted.